To remove these evils is the objective before humankind. Idealism accepts the possibility of creating a world free from these evils by depending upon reason, science and education. “Political idealism in international relations represents a set of ideas which together oppose war and advocate the reform of international community through dependence upon moral values and the development of international institutions and international law.” “A world full of human happiness is not beyond human power to achieve.” —Bertrand Russell Idealist approach derives strength from the general idea of evolutionary progress in society and the spirit of liberal idealism which was at the back of American policies, particularly during the inter-war years. During the inter-war years (1919-39), the U.S. President Woodrow Wilson became its most forceful exponent.
ADVERTISEMENTS: The Idealist Approach advocates morality as the means for securing the desired objective of making the world an ideal world. It believes that by following morality and moral values in their relations, nations can not only secure their own development, but also can help the world to eliminate war, inequality, despotism, tyranny, violence and force. “For the idealists, politics is the art of good government and not the art of possible. Politics provides for the good life and respect for his fellow humans, both domestically and internationally.” —Couloumbis and Wolfe As such Idealism advocates the need for improving relations among nations by removing the evils present in the international environment. Main Features of Idealism: 1. Human nature is essentially good and capable of good deeds in international relations. Human welfare and advancement of civilization are the concerns of all.
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